Monday 21st February at the TNMOC at 19.30 – Skills Night

Monday 21st February at the TNMOC at 19.30 – Skills Night
This Monday sees us having a skills night with a number of activities.
We plan to have the following things running:
  • An APRS demo and station working led by Francis, M0UKF
  • A GB2BP HF (or VHF) station for operational experience particularly for new starters led by Las, M0BOY
  • A Minos logger demo and clinic run by Tim, G6GEI
  • A demo of the Hamclock led by Malcolm, M0GXZ.
There will also be the opportunity to those pioneers building the Club construction transceiver project to discuss any issues.
Coffee will of course be available, and there should be plenty of time to chat.
See you there !